Weather and Climate of the Serengeti

How to Navigate the Weather and Climate of the Serengeti: 7 Tips for Every Season

The Serengeti, located in Tanzania, enjoys a climate that is more pleasant and moderate than many people might expect. While some imagine Africa as a predominantly hot continent, the Serengeti’s climate is actually quite comfortable for most of the year.

Kipok Africa Adventures notes that during the day, temperatures can get warm, but it rarely becomes uncomfortably hot. At night and early in the morning, temperatures can drop significantly, making the weather cool and refreshing.

This makes understanding the weather and climate crucial for anyone planning a trip to the Serengeti. The weather varies throughout the year, with different seasons bringing distinct conditions. Knowing what to expect can help visitors pack the right clothes, plan the best activities, and choose the ideal time to see the amazing wildlife.

For instance, the dry season, which lasts from June to October, is a great time to see animals gathering around waterholes and rivers. Conversely, the wet season, from November to May, transforms the landscape into a lush green expanse and is when many animals give birth.

Understanding these seasonal changes allows visitors to make the most of their Serengeti adventure, ensuring they enjoy all the natural wonders this unique ecosystem has to offer​​​​.

Tip 1: Choose the Best Time to Visit Based on Weather Preferences

Dry Season (June to October):

The dry season is a great time to visit the Serengeti. During these months, the weather is usually sunny and the skies are clear. This makes it easier to spot animals, as they gather around rivers and waterholes to drink.

The temperatures are pleasant during the day, around 25°C (77°F), but it can get quite cold at night and early in the morning, sometimes dropping to 14°C (57°F). One downside is that this is the peak tourist season, so some areas, like Seronera, can get crowded with many safari vehicles.

Wet Season (November to May):

The wet season brings a different kind of beauty to the Serengeti. The rains turn the landscape lush and green, creating a stunning environment. There are fewer tourists during this time, which means you can enjoy the park without large crowds.

The wet season is divided into short rains (November to December) and long rains (March to May). Rain usually falls in the afternoon and doesn’t last all day, but it’s a good idea to pack rain gear.

This season is also great for birdwatching and witnessing the birth of many animals, especially from January to February. However, the frequent rains can sometimes make travel a bit challenging.

Tip 2: Pack Appropriately for the Serengeti’s Variable Temperatures

Daytime and Nighttime Temperature Variations: In the Serengeti, the temperature changes a lot between day and night. During the day, it can get quite warm, sometimes reaching up to 37°C (98°F) in the rainy season.

However, at night and early in the morning, it gets much cooler, sometimes dropping to 13°C (55°F)​​. Because of these changes, it’s important to pack clothes that will keep you comfortable in both warm and cool temperatures.

Recommended Clothing: For the daytime, pack light and breathable clothes like t-shirts, shorts, and light pants. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses are also good to protect you from the sun. Don’t forget sunscreen! For the cooler nights and mornings, bring a warm sweater or jacket, long pants, and a beanie or hat to keep your head warm.

Layers are the best because you can put on or take off clothes as the temperature changes. Also, pack a rain jacket if you are visiting during the rainy season, so you stay dry during sudden showers. By packing the right clothes, you’ll be ready for any weather the Serengeti throws at you!

Tip 3: Be Prepared for Rainy Seasons

Short Rains (November to December)

The short rains in the Serengeti occur from November to December. These rains are unpredictable, meaning they can start and stop without much warning. However, they usually don’t last long and have little impact on safari activities. You can still enjoy watching wildlife as the rains are generally brief and don’t cover the entire day.

Long Rains (March to May)

The long rains happen from March to May. During this time, it rains more frequently and for longer periods. The landscape becomes lush and green, which is a beautiful sight. Although it rains often, it rarely rains all day.

This season is sometimes called the “green season” because of the vibrant greenery. The rains can make some roads muddy, but safaris are still possible and often less crowded.

Rain Gear

When visiting the Serengeti during the rainy seasons, it’s important to pack the right gear. Bring a waterproof jacket and pants to stay dry. A sturdy pair of waterproof boots will help you walk comfortably even if it’s wet and muddy.

Don’t forget a rain cover for your backpack to keep your belongings dry. It’s also useful to have a small, foldable umbrella for sudden showers. By packing the right rain gear, you can enjoy your safari without worrying about the weather.

Tip 4: Understand the Rainfall Gradient

Regional Differences in Rainfall:

In the Serengeti, the amount of rain changes depending on where you are. The southeast plains of the Serengeti get the least rain, about 400 millimeters (mm) per year. This area is quite dry because the rain is blocked by the Ngorongoro Crater and the Meru-Kilimanjaro mountain range.

As you move northwest, closer to the Kenyan border and the Masai Mara, the rainfall increases. Here, it can reach up to 1200 mm per year. This is because winds from the Indian Ocean bring moisture that turns into rain when they rise over the highlands​​.

Impact on Travel Plans:

This difference in rainfall can affect your safari experience. In the dry southeast plains, you’ll find fewer water sources, which means animals gather around the few available waterholes, making them easier to spot. However, the dry conditions can make the landscape look less lush.

In contrast, the wetter northwest regions are greener and more vibrant, but the abundant water means animals are more spread out, making them harder to find sometimes.

Additionally, some roads in the wetter areas can become muddy and difficult to travel, especially during the rainy seasons. Knowing these differences can help you plan where to go and what to expect during your Serengeti adventure​​.

Tip 5: Leverage Seasonal Wildlife Patterns

Great Migration Timing

The Great Migration is an amazing event where millions of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles move across the Serengeti in search of fresh grass and water. To see this, you need to know the best times and places to visit:

  • January to March: The herds are in the Southern Serengeti. This is also the calving season, where many animals are born.
  • June to July: Head to the Western Corridor. This is the best time to see the famous river crossings at the Grumeti River.
  • August to October: Visit the Northern Serengeti. Here, you can witness the dramatic crossings of the Mara River, where the animals face dangerous currents and waiting crocodiles.

Other Wildlife Viewing Opportunities

Even if you miss the migration, the Serengeti offers plenty of exciting wildlife experiences:

  • Birdwatching: The wet season (November to May) is perfect for bird lovers. Many migratory birds arrive, making it the best time to see a wide variety of species.
  • Predator Watching: Predators like lions, leopards, and cheetahs are active year-round. The Southern Serengeti in January and February is especially good for seeing predators during the calving season.
  • Green Season Beauty: During the wet season, the landscape turns lush and green, making it a beautiful time to visit with fewer tourists around.

These tips help you enjoy the Serengeti’s wildlife no matter when you visit!

Tip 6: Plan Around the Peak Tourist Seasons

Avoiding Crowds

To avoid the large crowds in the Serengeti, try to stay away from the busiest tourist times. These are usually when the Great Migration is happening. During this time, many tourists gather to see the millions of wildebeest and zebras moving across the plains.

Instead of visiting the popular Seronera area, think about exploring other parts of the Serengeti. For example, you can visit the Western Corridor between August and October or the Mara area from November to June. These places are less crowded but still offer great wildlife viewing.

Benefits of Low Season Travel

Visiting the Serengeti during the low season has many benefits. The low season includes the months from mid-March to mid-May and early November to mid-December. During these times, there are fewer tourists, so you can enjoy a more peaceful and quiet experience. Also, many lodges and camps offer lower rates, making your trip cheaper.

The landscape is often greener and more beautiful during the rainy season, and there are great opportunities for birdwatching. By traveling in the low season, you can see amazing wildlife and beautiful scenery without the hassle of big crowds and high prices.

Tip 7: Take Advantage of Unique Seasonal Experiences

Calving Season (January to February):

During the calving season in January and February, the Serengeti becomes an exciting place. This is when many animals, especially wildebeests, give birth to their babies. Seeing the newborn animals is a special experience because you get to watch them take their first steps. But it’s not just about the babies.

Predators like lions, hyenas, and cheetahs are very active during this time. They know there are many young and vulnerable animals, so they come out to hunt more often. This makes it a thrilling time to see the circle of life in action, with both new life and intense predator-prey interactions.

Birdwatching and Green Landscapes:

The wet season, which lasts from November to May, transforms the Serengeti into a green paradise. The rains turn the dry landscape into lush, green fields, making it look like a beautiful oasis. This time of year is also perfect for birdwatching. Many birds come to the Serengeti, making it a vibrant and colorful place.

You can see many different types of birds, some of which you won’t see at any other time of the year. The combination of green landscapes and diverse birdlife makes the wet season a magical time to visit the Serengeti.


Navigating the weather and climate of the Serengeti is key to having a great trip. Kipok Africa Adventures provides the following tips to ensure you make the most of your journey:

Choose the Best Time to Visit: The dry season (June to October) is ideal for spotting animals, while the wet season (November to May) offers lush landscapes and fewer tourists.

Pack Appropriately: The temperature can change a lot between day and night, so bring clothes for both warm and cool weather.

Prepare for Rainy Seasons: Short rains in November and December are brief and won’t affect your trip much, but the long rains from March to May are more frequent.

Understand the Rainfall Gradient: Rainfall varies across the Serengeti, with more rain in the northwest and less in the southeast. This can affect where you see animals.

Leverage Seasonal Wildlife Patterns: The Great Migration is a must-see, but other wildlife experiences are available all year.

Plan Around Peak Tourist Seasons: Avoid crowded areas during peak times by visiting less popular spots or traveling in the low season.

Take Advantage of Unique Seasonal Experiences: Enjoy seeing newborn animals during the calving season and vibrant bird life during the wet season.

The Serengeti is amazing in every season. Whether you go in the dry or wet season, there is always something incredible to see. So, plan your trip based on what you want to experience, and enjoy the unique beauty of the Serengeti year-round.